Online store

Ecommerce growth

The effectiveness of integrating a WooCommerce website with an online store and inventory management system, providing a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking to enhance their online presence, improve efficiency, and achieve better financial management.


The company faced several challenges in managing its inventory, sales, and purchases effectively. Key challenges included:

  • Stock Management: Maintaining inventory accurately and efficiently.
  • Account Management: Keeping track of sales and purchases.
  • Invoicing: Sending invoices to clients for outstanding amounts.
  • Sales and Purchases: Ensuring accurate record-keeping and management of sales and purchase transactions.
  • Online Presence: Establishing an effective online store to reach a broader customer base.

A WooCommerce website was developed, featuring:

  • Online Store: A fully functional online store to showcase and sell ceramic products.
  • Inventory Management: Integrated inventory management system to track stock levels in real-time.
  • Account Management: Comprehensive management of sales and purchase accounts within the WooCommerce platform.
  • Invoicing: Automated generation and sending of invoices to clients for outstanding amounts.
    • Super Admin: Full control over the system with the ability to make major changes..


Improved Accuracy

20 %

Enhanced Control

160 %

Increased Efficiency